Random Round-up

It’s been a little while since I’ve popped in to say hi here, so thought get around to finally posting this little round-up post which has been sitting here in draft form for a while now! Here’s a little snapshot of what I’ve been up to…

I’ve just binge-watched… The Heights on ABC iView. Drawcards were Marcus Graham and that one of the co-creators/producers is an old bookseller work buddy of mine. But once I started watching the show I was hooked on the characters and wanting to know more about them. I’m now feeling a little regretful that I was so greedy and I now have to wait until July for new episodes!

I'm reading... Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I can see why this is on a lot of must-read lists for creative types. It’s a stellar read for anyone wanting to take a crack at a creative life.

I’m taking photos of… really random things… cranky looking tomatoes, spaghetti twirling itself into a heart shape, faces in the chipped away parts of a brick wall…

I'm grateful for... being able to update some of our appliances. We’ve just got a new fridge (I think the old one was 15 years old!) and we have a clothes dryer after not having one more over a year (but surviving surprisingly well even in winter!)

I've been busy with...  parties! It’s party season and I’ve been doing a lot of baking for birthday celebrations and school events. The oven has been running hot!
